Chaos Sixty Nine Collaborate With Hello! And Dover Street Market

Chaos_mainIn this day and age what better way is there to celebrate anything than with a phone case? Duh. Practical, cute, necessary. In celebration of HELLO! Magazine’s 30 year anniversary Chaos have worked their magic to create the ultimate phone case in that classic hot red saying HELLO! and GOODBYE! Personally we love the goodbye. Gives all the peasants the right idea before they approach us. Along with the phone case come t-shirts (same sort of hello, goodbye situation happening) as well as luggage tags. The more chaos, the better. Collaborating with Dover Street Market, Katie Lyall and Charlotte Stockdale have also created a special edition mini HELLO! mag. Love anything mini. We actually just got our hands on one. #Dedicated. We can confirm this one-off glossy micro mag is v cute and has all the goss. Go in the closet with Alexander Fury or find out who Charles Jeffrey’s secret wife is. Love a fashion scandal. There’s much more but you’ll have to go down to Dover Street to the Hello kiosk and get your own copy along with all the merch. Read it, wear it, live it, love it, breathe it. Goodbye!

Image above by John Akehurst

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